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Capacity & School Hours


Elmvale has a capacity of 510 which includes 40 for the nursery class.

There are currently 325 pupils in the primary and 40 in the nursery making a total of 365.

COVID-19 restrictions mean that we are operating different times from usual - we have a staggered start , break times, lunchtimes and finish times to separate P1-3 from P4-7.

Primary  1-3                                                   
10.45-11.00 Morning Interval               
12.30-  1.15 Lunch                                  
  1.15-  3.15 
Please note that P1-3 can be dropped off at 9am and will be able to enter the school building themselves and will be supervised until the 9.15 start.

9.00 - 10.25
10.25 - 10.40 Morning Interval
11.45-12.30 Lunch
12.30 - 3.00

Nursery Class
8.35 - 11.40
12.20 - 3.30