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 The 'Turus Room' - Applying Nurturing Principles Across Elmvale

 Elmvale Nurtures All Children
For some children, being a member of a large class in school can present difficulties.  For a number of reasons, children may have difficulty settling in school.  This has huge consequences on what they will achieve.  It has been shown that some children benefit from the support the "Turus Class" can offer.  ('Turus' means 'journey' in Gaelic).  We are not only the nurture class but our nurture support permeates through the whole school.

 The Turus Room
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...

The Dolly Parton book about feelings is the foundation of the emotional literacy that we use in the nurture class.  We often use the mantra:

"It is not always up to you
The way that you feel
But HOW you act

IS a different deal." 
Dolly Parton

 Feelings Tree