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Eco Schools


As we start the school session 2014-15 we also start our challenge to achieve our 3rd Green Flag.  It will be two years until we can apply to be assessed for it, meanwhile keep an eye on out 3rd Green Flag Eco-Schools Gallery Set to see what we are up to. 

Eco-Schools Green Flag Award

2nd Green Flag - January 2014

We are very pleased and proud to announce we have been awarded our 2nd Green Flag for showing we care about the environment.  The assessing team thought it was great so many people were involved in helping us with our work and that we had showed we were evaluating what we did and were trying to make a difference.

We would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone - our parents, staff and everyone in our local community who has given us encouragement and support! A special thank you goes to Mrs Baker who is a vital part of the team.  Well done everyone. GO TEAM ELMVALE!

1st Green Flag - November 2011

Elmvale Primary and Nursery Class was awarded its first Green Eco Flag. Our pupils, staff and parents worked very hard indeed to ensure all the criteria had been met. Our assessor was very impressed with the cleanliness of our playground, our numerous playground improvements and with the depth of knowledge of our pupils. The assessor said, "Your work on your school grounds and gardens has made a great difference and there was not a sign of litter anywhere! Starting with a 'blank canvas' of all-tarmac school grounds you have created a first-class learning environment for your pupils using parental skills, basic resources and a great deal of imagination."

Elmvale Primary and Nursery Class Green Flag Power-Point 2011

There are 10 core topics within Eco Schools Scotland. These are:

  1. Litter
  2. Waste Minimisation
  3. Energy
  4. Water
  5. Health & Wellbeing
  6. Transport
  7. Biodiversity
  8. School Grounds
  9. Sustaining Our World
  10. Food and the Environment

For further information please click here.

Eco-Schools Scotland Bulletin May 2014 


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