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Brilliant Book Club
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We are the Brilliant Book Club, a group of enthusiastic readers who want to try and get everyone in Elmvale as keen to read as we are.

Keep checking our page for updates, or, alternatively, you can follow us on Twitter: 

Remember that Elmvale Primary School also has its own Twitter page: @Elmvaleprimary





Who are we?


 I am Mr Feist, and I work with the Brilliant Book Club.  I currently teach p7F, and I love reading.  My favourite authors are Jacqueline Wilson and Roald Dahl.  I have also written and published two books, and am working on another one!




Our Aims:

Ideally, we would turn the whole world into keen readers if we could; but, that is slightly out of our grasp.  Instead, we are focussing on turning our school into a burrow of bookworms.

1. We will make book recommendations to our peers and teachers on a regular basis to inspire them to read things that they might not have read before.

2. We will think up ways to create more fun and relaxing reading spaces in our school, and help turn the library into a magical 'world of pure imagination'.  (Maybe someone could get a Lotto ticket from me for telling me where I got that quote from...)

3. We will think up ways to get more children and adults in the school sharing and trading in their old books for new readers to access.

4. We will devise some fundraising activities to purchase new and exciting books for the school.

5. We will survey and question our classes, school and teachers about their reading habits to find out what else we can do to turn Elmvale Primary School into a readers' paradise.

What have we done so far?

Meeting 1: 4/11/14

This was our first meeting, and we talked about the books that we enjoy, and looked at how to make book recommendations.  We recommended books verbally, and then some children made some on paper for Mr Feist to tweet to our growing global audience.


The children took away a survey to carry out, to establish current reading habits in Elmvale, so that we could spot trends and areas to work on.